lunedì 22 aprile 2013

India and luxurious cars

Hi guys! Today I wanna write a bit about the shining side of Delhi, the richest one, the one whose existence you can hardly imagine unless you visit the city in the night.
While in the day time streets are congested by riksha, cars, trucks and bikes (sometimes even by cows and other kind of creatures), when the sun comes down the scene changes a bit: Sardaars ji and well-to-do Delhiites try to conquer the world -and the heart of young sexy ladies - showing off their branded new expensive cars. Which ones? Of course Italians!! The most quoted are of course Lamborghini and Ferrari, followed by Maserati and Fiat 500 that here it's a premium brand (fully imported and quite expensive).
Whenever I see these luxurious cars in the street, I cannot stop asking to myself: what's the point of having a racing car if you cannot cross the speed of 80 Km/Hs!! The traffic is so intense and disorganized that the engine keeps suffering as it has to be kept too quite and restrained in its nature :( 
Usually the owners' age of these jewels ranges between 25 and 35 years while in Europe the only people who can afford the same car models can be considered my grandfathers! This happens because only very well experienced entrepeneurs and hard working people who struggled all life to reach a certain status and position on the social ladder. 

The funniest part is the behaviour of the drivers while they sit in their millionaire cars: they keep looking left and right, checking how many eyes (and chicks) are staring at them (they think that once they drive a Lamborghini they become all in one with it, adding value to themselves as human beings!!).

Of course whoever pass by cannot avoid to admire the cars... and, it's sad to say, to the lucky one driving it.. Why? Girls start thinking about the comfortable life they can have hanging out with such a rich guy; business people and whoever runs a commercial activity identify in the owner of such a car a precious target for their business. And poor people who live under the poverty line look at both of them as the usual show off of the 10% of current Delhi population, extremely rich and insensitive of India's average situation.

Nothing else to ad: status symbol is extremely important in a country like India where it doesn't matter what you do and how good you are: you are only what you have wear and possess :( Who told that India is a spiritual country?

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