mercoledì 27 febbraio 2013

How many "uncommon" jobs here in Delhi

And here I am again to write about one topic which came in my mind walking from my place in Lajpat nagar till metro and then from metro station to my office in Zamrudpur village (next to N block market - GK1).

As Italian coming from a small town in South, I can say I am quite used to people who know how to survive in a creative way :) But Indians are the best in finding always a "business" which can make them earning the essential to carry on!

What I saw today on my way:

1) Pedding vendors selling One Item only: onions, bananas, garbage bags (!), cold refrigerated water (1 rupee per glass) or roasted peanuts.
2) Bhaayas who cook in the street momos, parathas, corn, sweet potatoes and other kind of oily food.
3) Ice cream vendors.
4) Paneer sellers (going around by bike): they shout "paneeeeeeer" crossing the street, usually in the morning. But whenever you see them, their bags are empty: who is going to buy all their paneer? I have an idea - my friend Jacky!!
5) Cigarette vendors: it's very common to sell single cigarettes next to metro stations and bus stops while someone else is making chay... as in Italy we are used to match coffee and cigarette, here they go for chay :)
6) Paan sellers: it's very common to see 1 meter X 1 meter stalls where Indian bhaaya seat with legs crossed preparing paan (it is a leaf with tobacco, areca nut and lime inside which you are supposed to chew.. after that you should spit the red juice your mouth is filled with... pwha!!)
7) Shoes repairer.
8)  Women/men who takes care of public toilets asking for 5 rupees (the problem is that their concept of "taking care of" is different from mine: they do not clean public services, they just seat next to the entrance and stare at people going inside!!!)
9) Security people who check bags and your body (cm after cm touching your as every time you decide to travel by metro!!): their metal detector keeps beeping but according to them "saab kuch theek hai" :)

10) Ear cleaners - very effective (I have tested their skills two times) but not hygienic at all :)
11)Watchmen or guards: they look at the gate of your building, they take care of shops, they open the door to customers... they basically get bored sitting all day outside in the could of Delhi winter or under the burning sun of April/May..
12) Barber who offer their services to customers who are in a hurry (and without an appointment which is required in a normal parlour) making them sitting on a very comfortable chair - sometimes a brick! - and using the same blade for at last 5 times :)
13) At last - but not for importance - there are all those bhaayas who don't do anything from morning till evening but watching people passing, cars crossing the streets and horning, foreigners walking or taking auto: sometimes they get lost in their thoughts, maybe they meditate about the meaning of life??? they can spend almost 20 minutes staring at the same point  (better if the point is  foreigner's face or ass!!)

For today it's all. But I will be back soon updating you with the next Strange Jobs I am going to discover :)

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