martedì 8 gennaio 2013

Winter in Delhi

Namaste guys! After a short break, here I am again writing about my daily life in Delhi.

Uhm... Delhi... India.. If you think about India as an exotic hot country where you can go around wearing slippers every single day and you need to switch on AC to sleep throughout the whole year, try to wash up your mind!! It's so fu**** cold in this country!!! First time for me to experience such a cold in India - I miss so much my winter time in Bangalore and Mumbai!!! And yes! even the winter in Italy since over there I have a proper house;)

The worst part is that there is any difference between the inside and outside temperature (5°C) since the wind is entering through bad quality windows, wooden doors and there is no central heating. How am I spending my last days? Sleeping with 2 blankets, a chinese electric hot water bag (I loove Chinese brains!) and 2 pairs of socks. And still I shiver :( My small hoover is working a lot (I will faint once I get the electricity bill...) and everytime I need to leave my warm room to go to the kitchen or bathroom... I feel like crying :( Then I convince myself that it will be like this for few days more and wearing a coat, I change room!

My office is even worse: one window is broken (repaired with a plastic panel), the main door cannot be closed properly and sitting at my desk very hard. Even there I wear a coat, 2 pullovers and 1 scarf.

Drinking hot water - I don't love tea very much and Nescafè is disgusting - is my way to pass time... I feel like an old granny!!!!!!!!!! 

The worst part is traveling by rikshaw: since the metro doesn't reach all Delhi areas, this is the only option I have to go and meet my friends and have a nice dinner around the city.. Once I reach the location, I look like a frozen shrimp!!!!!!! 

But after all this complaining, I must say that I am extremely lucky. The watchman of my building spends more than 10 hours per day outside in the cold, and He keeps smiling and singing, trying to warm his hand with a fire (lit burning plastic bags and other garbages). The same with the riksha drivers and the shopkeepers: everyday they wake up with a positive attitude, they are so strong to resist to all kind of calamities: cold, hot weather, hunger, lack of basic stuff. My maid is the same: always in a good mood, walking on bare foot in my house while cleaning, using cold water to wash dishes and the floor.. 

And the ones in the worst situations are the beggars (old men, women and small kids) who don't have neither a roof under where to sleep nor proper clothes and shoes to wear. The street is their house, the fog their shawl, the food we waste their daily meal..

Delhi winter is helping me to see things in a wider way, to penetrate human mind as the wind does with the clothes I wear. To remove one of the million layers Maya put on human eyes and to observe things with a better understanding.

Dhanyavaad Dilli!

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